


We give thanks to God for the gift of life. We want to share the life of the Church as we bring our children into the Church. If you are expecting a child, please contact the area office at 320-842-4271 to schedule a baptism. If this is your first child or have not had baptism class in 5 years, please call Samantha Johnson at 320-304-3857 to sign up for baptism preparation classes.  We encourage expecting couples to attend the class so that the child can be baptized soon after birth. All classes are Saturday mornings 9:00-11:30am, dates


Saturdays 4:30 at St. John's in Appleton.

Tuesdays following daily Mass at St. Francis in Benson.

Thursdays following daily Mass at Sacred Heart in Murdock.

By appointment. Please call Father Brian 320-905-6529.

Children in Grade 2 who have been in a parish or family program, are invited to prepare to receive the sacrament of First Reconciliation. Parents help their children to prepare for this special sacrament by bringing them to weekly Mass as well as a retreat. Preparation typically begins in September with the celebration in December.
If you have any questions or have an older child who has not yet received the sacrament of First Reconciliation, please contact your Faith Formation Coordinator.

Holy Communion

Children prepare for the Sacrament of First Holy Communion in 2nd grade.

Children in Grade 2 who have been in a parish or family program, are invited to prepare to receive the sacrament of First Communion. Parents help their children to prepare for this special sacrament by bringing them to weekly Mass as well as a retreat. Preparation typically begins in September with the celebration in April or May.
If you have any questions or have an older child who has not yet received the sacrament of First Holy Communion, please contact your Faith Formation Coordinator.


Adults who are seeking initiation into the Catholic Church are prepared through a process called The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA). The following are invited to be a part of the OCIA process:

Any adult not yet baptized and who wishes to become Catholic.

Any adult baptized in another Christian Church who wishes to become Catholic.

Any adult baptized in the Catholic Church, but not raised in the faith and who seeks full initiation into the Church.

Adults are prepared for the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Communion.

Please call Father Brian for more information 320-905-6529.


Preparation for confirmation is done with students in the 10th and 11th grade in our area faith community. We have requirements and resources to help students and parents prepare for this important part of their lives of faith, in which we ask the Holy Spirit to fill our young people so that they become faithful followers of Christ in the Church. We ask that students have a sponsor who will accompany them in this process.

For all requirements visit the Faith Formation page. Contact the faith formation director with any concerns or if you need more information.

Anointing of the Sick

Jesus showed great care and compassion for those who were sick and suffering.  We continue His care today through the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. This sacrament is meant for the sick and those who need Christ's healing in any way.  Anyone who feels that you need anointing can be anointed.
 If families feel there is a need for the sacrament to be celebrated at home, in a nursing home or in the hospital, or before a major medical procedure, please call Father Brian 320-905-6529.


 “Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” -Mark 10:9

The Sacrament of Marriage is an important milestone in the lives of many people. The St. Isidore the Farmer AFC welcomes members of our parishes to schedule their wedding date and begin their marriage preparation.

If you are planning on getting married, please contact Father Brian 320-905-6529. We will help you with planning a wedding date, the preparation, and all that is needed. A wedding date cannot be reserved until a couple has spoken with a priest.

An initial meeting with the wedding couple and a priest should be scheduled at a minimum of 6 months in advance of the wedding date. It is recommended to schedule this meeting 9-12 months in advance to allow enough time for marriage preparation.  At the initial meeting, the couple will also have the steps of marriage preparation explained and discussed in detail.

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